Well, here we are about to embark on December and we woke up to snow this morning. Surprisingly, we haven't had much of the white stuff in October and November, so the activities mentioned in this post took place in relative comfort and little snow (even if it was a bit chilly) - a nice change from the usual Calgary weather.
So first we had Halloween. Now Freyja had many outfits this year - a witch for the Sparks trip to the Corn Maze, a cat for the school party, a zombie for the Sparks party and a poodle for Halloween itself (have I mentioned she is going to grow up 'High Maintenance'?). The cat and the zombie were her costumes from last year and the year before which I had made roomy in the hope they would last a few years - good decision! This years poodle ourfit really just consisted of some pink pants and a pink woolly sweater to keep her warm out on the cold streets, along with some ears, tail and poofy poodly bits fashioned from socks, pink bath scrunchies and wire coat hangers (I grew up watching Blue Peter in the UK - you can make anything out of nothing if you really try!!) I think she looks darned cute - what do you think?

I made a bit of an effort this year at decorating the yard for Halloween, though still trying not to spend much cash. Our old moving boxes got turned into grave stones, and all in all looked fairly spooky for the kids coming round trick or treating. The one eyed alien pumpkin was Freyja's design - we even made it so it was eating a baby pumpkin!
Rosie was just a little baby at Halloween last year, and though she went out with us this year, I don't think she was old enough yet to appreciate it. She was still in her stroller, and rather cold, and really did not like being in her unicorn outfit, so sadly no pictures of her - but she did seem happy when she got home.

Just after Halloween was Sparks camp. Last year Freyja had a great time off for the weekend with the girls in her troupe. This year it was a Moms and Daughters weekend. Now I have not slept in a dormitory with other people since school so it was a bit of an experience, but it was much needed time for Freyja and I to reconnect and have time without her little sister being there. Freyja has been a bit difficult due to jealousy and this really seemed to help her understand that I do still love her, she just has to share my time. The picture here is her Sparks leader "Angel' surrounded by some of the girls, shortly before they tackled her to the floor with no mercy - They are a rough lot these Sparks!
Rosie was left with Lee for the weekend, and they needed time alone together just as much as Freyja and I. Rosie has always been quite clingy to me, but she had a great time with Lee and has been a changed girl for him. She lets him do bed time without a fuss, I can leave the house without it being the end of the world, and best yet, we had a night out and she didn't send the babysitter demented!!

The night out was for Lee's work Christmas party. I bought a 1950's style dress, so thought I would do my hair and make up in a similar pin-up way. We have my christmas work party this weekend so I can try to get the look better for that (the dress was costly by my standards so I want to get maximum use from it this season!) Sadly, the party took place as I was getting better from 2 weeks of being off work sick with a chest infection that set off an asthma reaction, so I didn't really do anything of any interest in those weeks, just a lot of sofa time!
And as an end, I will leave you with a couple more very cute pictures of my lovely girls!