Welcome to my Asylum!

A place to empty my head of the random musing and mumblings that populate it on a daily basis.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

And then there were none...

Girl Guide cookies that is.  Went out with the girls last night, it got a bit cold and blowy but we persevered for an hour and went along both sides of our new street, and my little Spark managed to sell all but two boxes.  Thankfully, Lee told her that he had hoped she would come back with some as he wanted to buy them.  So, we have sold a total of 8 cases, which equals 96 boxes of cookies and a grand total of $384.00 for the troop.  Not bad for our first year out I think.

And this fundraising has got me to thinking.  I have lost quite a lot of weight since having Rosie, but I am feeling totally unfit.  I wake up every morning aching from head to foot and it lasts all day, so I have decided that I am going to start my path to better health.

Since starting back to work, I am keeping away from the fast food I used to always eat at work and have been preparing salads to bring in.  So far, I am not getting sick of them and today's was like manna from heaven after my first "Lunch Time Exercise"!

I worked out various routes around where I work yesterday varying from the shortest of 2.5km up to 10km.  Today I took my first step and walked the 2.5km route as fast as I could.  As expected, I was out of breath, my heart was beating faster and I got a cramp in my leg for 5 minutes, but I stayed positive, slowed down a little but still walked through it, and sped up as soon as I was able.

It took me 25 minutes to walk 2.5km - 1m per 100m.  Pretty bad I know, but a positive first step.

I have 4 weeks until Rosie's first birthday, which happens to fall on Mother's Day here in Canada, so I have decided to enter the Mother's Day run in Calgary.  I can either do the 5km or the 10km distance so I am going to see how the next couple of weeks go before I register.  I have my sights set on a 10km run in August and another in November too, that way I have goals to help me keep up my momentum.

I was always an unfit kid, always had a sweet tooth and hated exercise, always felt overweight, even when I wasn't.  I learned this behaviour in part from my mother.  She was slim as a kid and a teen, but gained weight in her late teens / early 20s - she had me at 19 so that was no doubt part of it.  I always remember her dieting, being unhappy with her weight, but when she felt down she would eat, especially chocolate and I would eat with her.  Soon it was my coping mechanism too.  She is now in her early 50s and hates the way she looks, but also, due in part to the age she is now at, finds it terribly hard to lose any weight.

Since having Rosie, I have lost weight and stopped binging on sweet things (apart from a slight glitch when I was approaching my return to work) and I want to keep it off and get healthy, both for me and as an example for my 2 girls.  I don't want them to repeat my habits.  I have specifically chosen these 3 runs with that in mind as each event also has a 1km kids run which Freyja could do.  I will have her cheering me on during my run and waiting at the end, then she can do her run and I can hopefully do it with her (if I'm still standing!)

Wish me luck..... I'm gonna need it!

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